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The company photovoltaic power inverters project officially launched

Update time:2015-08-26 11:45:00Number of clicks:1862second
The world's energy crisis intensifies photovoltaic power generation has been developed by leaps and bounds and has become one of the new energy utilization mainstream. With the continuous progress of solar cells and power electronics technology, the photovoltaic power generation to keep the high-power, high-efficiency, high power density direction development, along with the performance of the system is the key to balancing equipment requirements are also increasing.
In recent years, with Spain, Germany, the United States, Japan, the domestic photovoltaic industry policy support, the photovoltaic power generation at the inverter into the rapid growth phase, through the assessment of the feasibility of the project, decided to officially launch the project development and design, formal entry into the new energy industry. 

2019 Guangdong Envision Technology LTD. Guangdong ICP 2023073159号-1